Steps to generate bootloader using Simplicity Studio for Lyra BLE modules
Lyra BGM220P, BGM220S modules from BG22 family can be programmed with two bootloaders types:
BGAPI UART DFU – programmed by SiLabs to all BG22 modules, supports firmware updates over UART with special utility uart_dfu.exe
UART XMODEM – the firmware update can be performed over UART interface using TeraTerm or similar program, the protocol for sending the file is XMODEM
Importing Bootloader Projects
The easiest way to import one of the the bootloader templates is from Simplicity Studio Launcher tab:
- Start Simplicity Studio application
- Open Launcher perspective - Window -> Perspective -> Launcher
- Attach Lyra DVK to the PC USB
- Using "Start" button connect Simplicity Studio to the Lyra DVK (Connected Devices - > [Select J-Link Silicon Labs device name ] -> Start)
- Select “Technology type” “Bootloader” from “Example Projects & Demos” tab:
Import one of the Bootloader projects from the “resources found” list by clicking “Create” of the resources:
- Assign the name to the Bootloader projects once the New Project Wizard is opened:
- Update and save *.hwconf and *.isc files as requested for the project.
- From the *.isc file configuration interface click on "Generate" for project generation:
- Upon successfully completing the generation of the project, Simplicity Studio will output the "Generation successful" message with the list of generated, updated and unmodified files, please save this info and click "OK" to continue:
The project is ready to be built, debugged and tested. In addition, the Bootloader binary can be loaded to the internal flash location @ address: 0x00 of the module using J-Link Segger utility