
Additional Description
LoRaWAN Concentrator Card for US
Chipset (Wireless)
Semtech SX1301/1257, QCA (CSR) 8811, QCA AR6004
Frequency Range (Max)
2483 MHz
Frequency Range (Min)
2400 MHz
Frequency Range 2 (Max)
5825 MHz
Frequency Range 2 (Min)
5150 MHz
Frequency Range 3 (Max)
928 MHz
Frequency Range 3 (Min)
902 MHz
Part Group
Standard RG1xx (Wi-Fi / LoRa / Ethernet)
Product Type
LoRaWAN Concentrator Card
System Architecture
802.11abgn, LoRaWAN


Name Part Type Last Updated
Product Brief - Sentrius RG1XX-M.2 Concentrator Card RG191-M2 Product Brief 04/06/2021
Datasheet - Sentrius RG1xx-M2 Concentrator Card RG191-M2 Datasheet 11/08/2022
M2 Concentrator Card - Sample JSON files.zip RG191-M2 Software 01/17/2019
FCC and ISED Certifications - RG191-M2 RG191-M2 Certification 12/19/2020
Application Note - RG1xx AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN RG191-M2 Application Note 09/05/2023

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Distributor Part In Stock Region Buy
Arrow Electronics RG191-M2 0 North America Buy Now
Avnet RG191-M2 0 North America Buy Now
Future Electronics RG191-M2 0 North America Buy Now


Are there any reset timing requirements for RG1xx-M2?

M2 card reset pin is active high and you need to hold the line high for 100ns min after power supply has stabilized

Is the SPI on RG1xx-M2 a master or slave?

SPI on RG1xx M2 is slave mode only

What is the voltage level of the SPI communication bus for RG1xx-M2 card.

The Sentrius M2 Card's SPI logic level is at 3.3V.

What is the functionality of pin 38 GPS 1PPS?

This is an output from a GPS module on the RG1xx. The 1PPS is a standard output from GPS modules. Currently GPS is not supported on the RG1xx.

What is the functionality of pin 71 for RG1xx-M.2 concentrator?

PIN 71 is an input to the RG191 and is the reset  for the SX1301.

What is the functionality of pin 41 for RG1xx-M.2 concentrator?

Pin 41 is used to identify the type of M.2 card.

What is the part number and the e-cad models of the 75-pin connector for connecting the RG191 LoRa module?

The Connector for the RG1xx Concentrator Card on the Sentrius RG1xx is a standard PCIE M.2 Key connector.
There are various suppliers for these connectors but the Sentrius Gateway uses a Kyocera, Part# 24 6411 067 401 894 E.

Generic ECAD Models can be downloaded from Mouser

Can AS923 and AU915 networks coexist in the same area?

Yes, as long as they are operating on different networks such that AS923 sensors talk to the AS923 gateway and vice versa for AU915 devices. 

Can the RS1xx AS923 (455-00063) work with an AU915 gateway which uses overlapping channels to AS923?

No, an RS1xx AS923 sensor will not work with an AU915 gateway because it cannot receive the downlink packets due to differing bandwidth and frequency plans used and therefore will drop off the network.