2021 COVID-19 Update

Published on January 25, 2021

2021 COVID-19 Update

Dear Customers, Partners and Suppliers,

On behalf of everyone at Ezurio (formerly Laird Connectivity), I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and I wish you the best in 2021.

I want to provide a quick update regarding how Ezurio has, and is continuing, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • The executive team has worked closely with our operations centers and workforce around the world to respond in real-time to this ever changing situation with two goals: to continue our important work with our customers, partners, and suppliers while ensuring the health and safety of our employees and anyone who enters our sites.
  • We continue to follow the guidance and mandates of local medical and government authorities across the world to protect our employees, provide them with safe workplaces, and follow guidelines for good hygiene practices and social distancing. In March of 2020, and through-out the year, we eliminated non-essential travel for our employees and allowed many of our team members to work from home.  We requested our employees to notify us of personal travel to designated “hot spots” throughout the 2020 year to ensure, if they traveled to a location with increased COVID-19 cases, they did not enter a Connectivity facility until after an appropriate self-isolation period. 
  • Additionally, in early 2020, we put into practice mechanisms that allowed us to proactively track all employees and guests who planned to work, or visit, one of our sites and attest to their health and the lack of COVID-19 symptoms.  We also instituted physical changes in our working environments to allow appropriate social distancing and protection of our employees while working on site. These operational changes not only protect our employees but are also enabling us to continue our operations in a robust way.
  • In 2021, and until COVID-19 is no longer deemed a global pandemic, we will continue to operate under the guidelines mentioned here and will continue to modify as necessary depending upon local medical and government guidelines.
  • Additionally in 2021, we will work to help our employees understand where the COVID-19 vaccine can be administered, help educate them through material provided by CDC and WHO on the efficacy of the vaccine and make it as easy as possible for any of our employees wanting the vaccine to obtain it.

I continue to be proud of the work our team has done to prioritize employee and visitor safety while also continuing our commitments to customers. Our business is essential, and our work is vital in providing the necessary medical and first responder equipment critical in the fight against COVID-19.

In 2021, we will continue to be in this together.  Should you have any questions, please contact your Ezurio representative directly or visit lairdconnect.com 


Scott Lordo
CEO of Ezurio