Designing for Success: An Engineer’s Guide to Practical FCC Compliance Pre-Scans
Published on March 29, 2019

Register and attend the upcoming live webinar on Thursday, August 3rd, 2017 at 2PM ET. In this presentation, EMC design experts from LSR (a Laird Business) will discuss the benefits of using ‘pre-scans’ to minimize the risk of failing FCC certification. Our engineers will walk through a number of practical tips and best practices to use for your next FCC pre-scan.
Planned webinar topics include:
- Strategy - What should be tested in a FCC pre-scan? We will discuss the pre-scan selection process and suggest tests to pre-scan first.
- Execution – Practical advice to maximize pre-scan value. In this section, our engineers will discuss tips to maximize the efficiency of the pre-scan testing while minimizing lab time and chamber costs.
- Results – Real world examples from LSR compliance. Our compliance team will use real-world examples to illustrate situations where pre-scans could have discovered major compliance failures before attempting full FCC certification.