BL652: If SIO_02, autorun and reset pins are just left floating should the chip boot up correctly so the "at" commands can be used?


Q. On the BL652, if SIO_02, autorun and reset pins are just left floating should the chip boot up correctly so the "at" commands can be used? A.  nAutoRUN has an internal pull-down. Therefore if you want to run AT commands you will need to pull it high (VCC). Otherwise by default, if there is an AutoRUN application loaded it will try to run the application. There is an internal pull-up on the nRESET line, so it can be left floating if need be. SIO-02 has an internal pull-down by default, therefore vSP Command mode (required for OTA) and vSP Bridge mode cannot be enabled unless there is a way to pull SIO-02 high - so it is optional based on your application needs.