How do I send messages to an RM191/RM186 from a Multitech Conduit Gateway?


The RM191/RM186 modules from Laird are LoRa Class A modules. This means that for every uplink transmission there are two downlink receive slots that the application can use to send messages down to the RM191/RM186. To demonstrate this, customers can queue up messages to be sent from the Multitech Conduit Gateway to the RM191/RM186 in these downlink slots by following the steps below: 1) Using PuTTY, SSH into the Multitech Conduit Gateway using the IP address assigned by your network to the gateway 2) Sign in to the gateway using the same login and password that you use with the GUI interface 3) Type the following at the prompt: $ nc --udp localhost 1786 4) Type the following on the very next line after hitting on the line above: lora//down {"data":"Base64_data"}  where, dev_eui = the device EUI  Base64_data = the data you want to send encoded as Base64 data 5) Continue to send the line from #4 above to queue up a new message to be sent to the device in the downlink slot Options:  Require an ACK -  lora//down {"data":"Base64_data","ack":true} Send downlink data on specific port # -  lora//down {"data":"Base64_data","port":6} Hello World Example: lora/aabbccddeeff1122/down {"data":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="}