The BL652 module is an exact one to one match to the nRF52832 however the DVK-BL652 is not. Assuming the examples provided by Contiki were done using a Nordic PCA 10040, we have followed that as closely as possible. Please see the following for more information. On DVK-BL652 devboard we have followed the Nordic PCA10040 devboard as closely as possible. Laird DVK-BL652 devboard BUTTON1 (SW1) is connected to SIO_11 Laird DVK-BL652 devboard BUTTON2 (SW2) is connected to SIO_15 Laird DVK-BL652 devboard LED1 (D1) is connected to SIO_17 (via jumper (which default) on J26) Laird DVK-BL652 devboard LED2 (D2) is connected to SIO_19 (via jumper (which default) on J37) On PCA10040, Nordic have 4 Buttons and 4 LED?s driven from nRF52 via analog switches. Nordic PCA10400 BUTTON1 is connected to PO.13 (via analog switch U4) Nordic PCA10400 BUTTON2 is connected to PO.14 (via analog switch U4) Nordic PCA10400 BUTTON3 is connected to PO.15 (via analog switch U4) Nordic PCA10400 BUTTON4 is connected to PO.16 (via analog switch U4) Nordic PCA10400 LED1 is connected to PO.17 (via analog switch U5) Nordic PCA10400 LED2 is connected to PO.18 (via analog switch U5) Nordic PCA10400 LED3 is connected to PO.19 (via analog switch U5) Nordic PCA10400 LED4 is connected to PO.20 (via analog switch U5)