If I really need to change the priority in some process for the MSD45/SSD45 on the Linux platform, how do I achieve this?
You can use the application in busybox called chrt. However, Laird does not recommend adjusting this. It is difficult for us to estimate what the impact would be, so we cannot provide support following these changes.
# chrt
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2014-03-14 13:00:28 PDT) multi-call binary.
Usage: chrt [-prfom] [PRIO] [PID | PROG ARGS]
Change scheduling priority and class for a process
-p Operate on PID
-r Set SCHED_RR class
-f Set SCHED_FIFO class
-o Set SCHED_OTHER class
-m Show min/max priorities