What are the recommended sniff settings?

The best settings for sniff mode will depend on the nature of the application but the following are a good place to start:

Set the following in their list of commands in this order:

Ats564=1000 // Sniff Maximum Interval in units of milliseconds

Ats561=10 // Sniff Attempt Time in units of milliseconds

Ats562=50 // Sniff Timeout Time in units of milliseconds

Ats563=950 // Sniff Minimum Interval in units of milliseconds

These settings will reduce power consumption when there is no data transfer but at the cost of latency. Try these settings and work back if latency is an issue.

If you are using the module in connectable and discoverable mode then you could also add:

Ats508=1000 // Page Scan Interval in milliseconds

Ats509=11 // Page Scan Window in milliseconds

Ats510=1000 // Inquiry Scan Interval in milliseconds

Ats511=11 // Inquiry Scan Window in milliseconds

These setting will save power but at the cost of longer connection establishment time and a longer time to be discovered. Try these settings and work back should connection and discovery times become problematic.

All this of course before at&w. Use ati13 to check the sniff status. For best results you may need to do some experimenting.
