To use UWTerminalX with the Vela IF820 it is recommended to use the following settings
- Tick DTR
- Untick BREAK
- Untick Localecho
- Untick linemode
- baud rate 115200
- parity none
- stop bits 1
- data bits 8
- handshaking none
- Terminal select CR
- use UART 1
On booting the Vela IF820, if all is good you should see the EZ-Serial boot message something like this, note the @E indicates an event, in this case boot.
@E,0074,BOOT,E=01040808,S=03010000,P=0104,H=23,C=00,A=E0984030FB5D,F=EZ-Serial-CYBT_243053_02 V1.4.8.8 Jun 9 2023 10:03:25
To confirm two way communications send/type the following followed by carriage return
To which the module should respond with somthing like the following, note the @R indicates a response, in this case to the /ping command. The /PING,0000 indicates the command was successful